Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Award lagi !!!

wahhhh..banyaknya award yg aku peram..hahahahaha...siot je kan...actually kadang aku pun tak tau dapat award , bila bukak blog muza baru tahu dia bagi award. Award ni aku peram dh lama dh sorry ek usual, this award is from softtouch82. anyway ,thanks muza..have to follow the rules..

1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.

- dapat award ni dari muza aka softtouch82. thanks for still remember me as your friend..

2) Pass the award to new other 15 blogs that you've newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

- Ayu (naftalena)

- Mr Janggel

- Home Sweet Home


Ren said...

tq bg award yg tak seberapa ni kt aku! heheh

Zue said...

oh thank you , thank you
nanti kalau sempat akan kutempekkan

abang & adik

abang & adik
my two litlle heroes..

danial with papa

danial with papa

on a car riding to the moon...

on a car riding to the moon...



abang tgh pegang adik....

abang tgh pegang adik....
danial & jafin - dj

happy time

happy time
nanajoe family


the loving couple

1 week old....baru maa...

1 week old....baru maa...

kat jeti

kat jeti
persatuan nelayan tmn bukit kuchai...yoyo oo aje..

posing tak hengat

posing tak hengat

jafin 2nd besday kt secret recipes

jafin 2nd besday kt secret recipes
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besday papa yg ke -29

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